Your Online Resource for Retired Swarovski Crystal Figurines is

Swarovski Crystal Retirements - Starts with P

Swarovski Crystal

Swarovski PeacockLibrary of Swarovski Crystal for P includes these retired Swarovski figurines: Swarovski Pandas, Swarovski Panda Cub, Swarovski Baby Panda, Swarovski Mother Panda, Swarovski Parrot, Swarovski Partridge, Swarovski Peacock, Swarovski Pear, Swarovski Pegasus, Swarovski Pelican, Swarovski Father Penguin, Swarovski Mother Penguin, Swarovski Large Penguin, Swarovski Sir Penguin, Swarovski Madame Penguin, Swarovski Penguin, Swarovski Petrol Wagon, Swarovski Picture Frame, Swarovski Pierrot, Swarovski Pig, Swarovski Pineapple, Swarovski Pinocchio, Swarovski Platonic Bodies, Swarovski Pluto, Swarovski Polar Bear, Swarovski Poodle, Swarovski Poplar Trees, Swarovski Puffins, Swarovski Puppet, Swarovski Pyramid, Swarovski Black Panther, and more as the library grows.

Click on the Swarovski Crystal Name (in the 1st column) to locate the item in the Crystal Exchange America store.

Click on the Swarovski Crystal Part Number (in the 2nd column) to locate the item in the Swarovski Database at


Swarovski Crystal

Swarovski Part # / System #


Panda, Baby 7611 000 002 / 181 081 Retired
Panda, Mother 7611 000 001 / 181 080 Retired
Panda Cub 9100 000 091 / 905 543 Closed
Pandas 9100 000 086 / 900 918 Closed
Panther, Black 9600 000 151 / 1060325 NLE Closed
Parrot 7621 000 004 / 119 443 Retired
Parrot 7621 000 009 / 294 047 Retired
Partridge 7625 050 000 / 014 468 Retired
Peacock 7607 000 002 / 218 123 NLE Closed
Pear 7476 000 002 / 162 885 Retired
Pegasus 7400 098 000 / 216 327 Closed
Pegasus Paperweight 9409 060 000 - M5714 Closed
Pegasus Stand 7400 098 000S Closed
Pelican 7679 000 001 / 171 899 Retired
Penguin, Father 7685 000 006 / 627 068 Retired
Penguin, Large 7643 085 000 / 010 008 Retired
Penguin, Madame 7661 000 002 / 206 977 Retired
Penguin, Mini 7661 033 000 / 010 027 Retired
Penguin, Mother with Baby 7685 000 005 / 627 067 Retired
Penguin, Sir 7661 000 001 / 191 448 Retired
Petrol Wagon 7471 000 004 / 015 151 Retired
Picture Frame with Butterfly 7506 000 004 / 211 742 Retired
Picture Frame with Kris Bear 7506 000 002 / 214 805 Retired
Picture Frame with Ladybug 7506 000 003 / 211 739 Retired
Picture Frame, Blue Flower 7506 000 001 / 207 892 Retired
Picture Frame, Oval Gold 7505 075 000G Retired
Picture Frame, Square Gold 7506 060 000G Retired
Picture Frame, Square Gold 7506 060 001 Retired
Picture Frame, Square Rhodium 7506 060 002 Retired
Pierrot 7400 099 000 / 230 586 Closed
Pierrot Paperweight, 40mm 9409 040 000 SCS1999 Closed
Pierrot Paperweight, 60mm 9409 060 000 Closed
Pierrot Plaque 9003140086614 Closed
Pierrot Stand 003 0230 586S Closed
Pig, Large 7638 065 000 / 011 846 Retired
Pig, Medium 7638 050 000 / 010 031 Retired
Pig, Mini 7657 027 000 / 010 028 Retired
Pineapple, Giant Rhodium 7507 260 001 / 010 258  Retired
Pineapple, Large Gold 7507 105 001 / 010 044 Retired
Pineapple, Large Rhodium 7507 105 002 / 010 044 Retired
Pineapple, Small Rhodium 7507 060 002 / 012 726 Retired
Pinocchio 9100 000 168 / 1 016 766 Retired
Platonic Bodies 9990 000 028 / 664 889 Closed
Pluto 9100 000 009 / 692 344 Closed
Polar Bear, Large 7649 085 000 / 013 747 Retired
Poodle, Sitting 7619 000 005 / 181 317 Retired
Poodle, Standing 7619 000 003 / 167 571 Retired
Poplar Trees 7474 020 003 / 158 979 Retired
Puffins 7621 000 008 / 261 643 Retired
Puppet 7550 000 003 / 217 207 Retired
Pyramid, Large (Various Colors) 7450 050 000 Retired
Pyramid, Small (Various Colors) 7450 040 000 Retired


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